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Flyboarding Sessions: What Are Some Of The Basic Skills That You Should Have?

Flyboarding Sessions: What Are Some Of The Basic Skills That You Should Have?

April 8

Flyboarding is one of the popular water activities in the world. Unlike jetskis, it gives a person the opportunity to feel like they are flying in the sky. However, it is necessary that before using it, a person possesses some basic skills. Not only will this help them stay safe, but it will also make it easier for them to maneuver the board. In this blog, we will explore some of the skills necessary. 


For any water-related activity, you should know how to swim; the same applies to the flyboard. While it is not always mandatory, some companies do make it a requirement when accepting people. Unless a person has prior experience flyboarding, they will find themselves falling into the sea frequently. While they are fitted with safety gear, and the flyboard can float, it is still advisable to know swimming. If you fall too far or haven’t worn your safety gear correctly, learning to swim will allow you to be safe


To maneuver the board, you need to balance yourself properly. Leaning the toes down will allow you to move forward and lose altitude. Leaning toes back will allow you to move backward and increase height. If you want to turn, you need to raise your knees in the direction you desire. Furthermore, when the board is rising out of the water, you need to stay perfectly straight to not move to the side and fall back into the sea.

All of this requires a good amount of balance. If you are unable to stay steady and maneuver properly, you will fall frequently. While it is entirely possible to learn how to keep balanced mid-flight, this could take up a significant portion of an individual’s first flyboarding session. 


You might think that flexibility may not matter because you are strapped onto a flyboard, but it does. The direction someone flies and how you fly is entirely dependant on the movement of your limbs. Unlike jetskiing, flyboarding does not have any control handles that can be adjusted. It is entirely up to how you move your body. Therefore, flexibility is necessary. 

Experts can make rapid changes to their movement to do perfect tricks with their board. Beginners will be slower in their actions; however, you will control the board and stay longer in the air if you have some degree of flexibility. 


While not as significantly prominent as the other skills mentioned above, the focus is vital to helping people flyboard. Given how important staying balanced is to the overall flyboarding experience, being focused enables you not to get distracted and lose balance. It is essential in the beginning when the board is rising above the water. Instructors advise participants to look at an object in the skyline and focus entirely on that. It will help ensure you will not look elsewhere or move your legs in any direction, causing you to lose balance and fall. 

In the end, flyboarding is a thrilling and enjoyable water sport. It may not be as popular as jetski tours, but it is still exciting, and it will be an experience you will not forget. However, you should keep in mind the skills listed above and develop them before you begin the activity. While it is not mandatory to possess these skills, it can make your experience easier.